March 8, 2011


Even in different dimensions, the center of equilibrium  is still the same. The circles of energy are concentric, only the distance from the center is modified. And that is exactly what happens with us. I still gravitate around you, but you start developing more and more circles of energy, sending me further and further. You don't reject me out of the just create a distance...
Miming the existence and the feelings, struggling and screaming of pain, I find myself in a vortex that doesn't suck me in, but throws me out. Or better, you are going down, and I can't reach you anymore because of the forces that keeps me away. Like two magnets that reject themselves. I am pushing myself to reach you, to touch you, to catch your hand again...but you stopped trying. You stopped fighting...
I see you closing your eyes and letting yourself falling...What disturbs me is that you seem to enjoy it...And that is when I wonder what was my use in your life? What is the definition of me in your mind?
I mimed butterflies flying above the sea looking for hope. I mimed a man being at the end of the life, facing death with the smile on his face. And I managed to transmit exactly what I was imagining to people that I have never seen before.

We have no end and no beginning.
Life must be lived as a play. - Plato


1 comment:

  1. Life is a play, my darling... What matters the most is what happens behind the scene... Or no. some people are interested in the aplause and some to what is left behind.
