April 12, 2011

Back...to....Butterflies (part 1)

Soon...I will be there...what will you do? Will you be there? For what?
Mixed emotions and thoughts...This going back to my "by default home" gives me shivers of different qualities: cold, hot, good, bad, joyful, disastrous, infinite... Once again I stand at the crossroads and I wait for what might come. But this time, calmly, accepting my emotions, not trying to understand more than they really are, smiling at the beautiful sun....mature...
Wine, whiskey, pot, laughs, cries, lost memories brought back, sex, whiskey, tequila, more pot, more sex, feelings, looks, goodbyes, good-mornings, storm, wind, motorcycles, noise, mother-tongue - LIFE.

Time: 4 Days and 4 hours before arriving in Bucharest
Weather: Sun+Rain+Clouds+10 Celsius
Mood: neutral -> nervous
Activity: programming, poker, eRepublik, chat, messenger, Facebook
Music: Katatonia
It's "us" like in "the Universe" US.......


  1. Love the part with lots of sex... You know what I'm talking about, sis! :D

  2. Si...te asteapta cineva la gara?

  3. Depinde la care din 'gari' :)) La aia din Otopeni cica da....pe urma....habar n-am...nici nu stiu cu ce vin acasa-acasa....si cum..si de ce...aahhh...nu, nu o sa intru in trip-ul in care ma intreb de ce vin "acasa" (whatever this means)... :D Sa vedem ce grad de inspiratie am azi...poate iti raspund mai poetic in urmatoarea postare :D
